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Nyxx's Nook

I'm just a reviewer. I average one book per day and have for a number of years. It's time to start sharing all those reviews. I'm always looking for a new book, publisher, or author to discover.

Book Review 2: The Making of a Rogue by Shana Galen

This is book 3 in a series. However, it's a great stand alone book, as I have yet to read the first two. Although, they're definitely on my to get and read list.

As Bastian takes a female to his ship to assist him in matter after she tried to kill him in a sword fight, one twist leads to another. 
Full review at: Nyxx's Nook
Source: http://nyxxsnook.blogspot.com/2013/11/book-review-2-making-of-rogue-by-shana.html